A shared sacred journey for women
BLC Equips Women…
To be relational – “Two are better than one.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9)
Most women have many acquaintances, but few women have the intimate, confidential fellowship they deeply desire.
Something powerful happens when a dozen women come together around the person and work of Jesus Christ. Masks and layers are removed, and an honest fellowship and sisterhood begins.
To be biblically based – “One who correctly handles the word of truth…” (2 Timothy 2:15) BLC’s two-year training experience is based on biblical principles that apply to the pertinent needs and issues of today. It is a comprehensive curriculum.
Modules of BLC
Pressing Into The Heart of God
The Exchanged Life
Made for Relationship
How to Study the Bible
I Call You Friend
How to Teach the Bible
Becoming a Person of Influence
Money or the Master
Business by the Book
Engaging Your Culture